vrijdag 31 juli 2009

Maybe Medicare Was a Tactical Error

For progressives who now want universal health insurance, Medicare may have been a mistake — tactically, anyway.Read the complete Economix blogpost here.

Migratie en integratie in België.......

Eco-santé: OCDE 2009: comment la Belgique se positionne

Les dépenses de santé totales représentaient en Belgique 10.2% du PIB en 2007, soit 1 point de pourcentage de plus que la moyenne des pays de l’OCDE (8.9%).
Lisez la note de l'OCDE ici.

The Blue Dogs’ Final Dilemma

Read Daniel Henninger's column on healthcare reform in the US here.

Are We What We Search?

Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.

Employers and health reform summary

As the largest source of health insurance for non-elderly Americans, U.S. employers have an extremely large stake in health reform. In 2007, employers provided insurance coverage to 62.9% of Americans under the age of 65. Further, the $532 billion employers contributed to health insurance premiums for their workers accounts for roughly a quarter of total national health spending...
Read the complete article here.