vrijdag 18 december 2009

Armoede en daklozen

Fixing the Global Financial System

Read the complete dossier in the WSJ here.

Pass the Bill

Yes, the filibuster-imposed need to get votes from “centrist” senators has led to a bill that falls a long way short of ideal. Worse, some of those senators seem motivated largely by a desire to protect the interests of insurance companies — with the possible exception of Mr. Lieberman, who seems motivated by sheer spite. Read Krugman's column in The NYTimes here.

ObamaCare and the Liberal Obsession

If President Obama's health-care initiative fails, there is no longer a rationale for being a liberal in the United States. Everything else on liberalism's to-do list is footnotes. Read the complete column in the WSJ here.


Kost fiscale fraude de eerlijke belastingbetaler geld? Niet volgens WILLY DE WIT. Veel te hoge belastingen, dat kost ons geld. Als de overheid daar iets aan zou doen, dat zou pas fraudebestrijding zijn. Lees het volledige opiniestuk in De Standaard hier.

Pensioensparen voor gevorderden

Lees de zeven tips in De Standaard hier.