dinsdag 6 april 2010

The Limits to Limits: Is a cap on immigration a viable policy for the UK?

As we approach a general election, all three main parties are keen to emphasise that they would be tough on immigration. The Liberal Democrats talk about a ‘firm but fair system’, Labour emphasises its ‘tough but flexible’ Australian-style Points-Based System. But the Conservatives have gone a step further and have made a cap on immigration a headline policy. Although they have not set out the level at which such a cap might be set, they have talked about reducing annual net immigration below 100,000, and have also intimated their support for calls for annual net immigration to be reduced to around 40,000.
Read this report from the ippr here.

Relax, We’ll Be Fine

According to recent polls, 60 percent of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. The same percentage believe that the U.S. is in long-term decline. The political system is dysfunctional. A fiscal crisis looks unavoidable. There are plenty of reasons to be gloomy. But if you want to read about them, stop right here. This column is a great luscious orgy of optimism. Because the fact is, despite all the problems, America’s future is exceedingly bright. Read the complete column of David Brooks in the NYTimes here.

De deadline bereikt, de doelen niet. De boordtabel eindeloopbaan 2010

Lees het volledige rapport van de Steunpunt WSE hier.

"Le G20 a échoué sur la régulation"

Le 2 avril 2009, les vingt plus grandes puissances s’engageaient à remettre le système financier sur pied. Bilan critique avec le professeur De Keuleneer.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.