dinsdag 22 december 2009
The Economists' debate: Food Policy
Studying Young Minds, and How to Teach Them
For much of the last century, educators and many scientists believed that children could not learn math at all before the age of five, that their brains simply were not ready. But recent research has turned that assumption on its head — that, and a host of other conventional wisdom about geometry, reading, language and self-control in class. The findings, mostly from a branch of research called cognitive neuroscience, are helping to clarify when young brains are best able to grasp fundamental concepts. Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.
L’urgence d’un fonds "vert"
maandag 21 december 2009
La nouvelle folle ruée vers l'or
Sociaal vangnet voor ontslagen werknemers
Au-delà du PIB: réconcilier ce qui compte et ce que l'on compte
vrijdag 18 december 2009
Pass the Bill
ObamaCare and the Liberal Obsession
woensdag 16 december 2009
Public and private pensions: lessons from the crisis
Lutte contre la pauvreté, rapport 2008-2009
Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index
European competitiveness report 2009
‘Tobin-taks? Een verschrikkelijk idee!’
Kapitaalmarktenlobby ICMA: ‘Taks op financiële transacties nefast voor marktwerking’ ‘Europa staat verder dan VS in macro-prudentieel toezicht’. Lees het volledige artikel in De Tijd hier.
Beleid tegen werkloosheid mist globale visie
De ruzie tussen de Vlaamse en de federale regering over het banenplan van minister van Werk Joëlle Milquet (cdH) is bijgelegd. Politiek heeft iedereen zijn slag thuisgehaald. De grote vraag is of er ook sociaal-economisch echte vooruitgang is geboekt. Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Freddy Heylen hier.
‘Wat we verloren hebben in de crisis dreigen we nooit meer in te halen’
Caroline Ven, kabinetschef premier Yves Leterme, en adjunct-directeur CD&V Niko Gobbin luiden de alarmbel in hun boek ‘De welvaartsval’. Lees het volledige interview in De Tijd hier.
maandag 14 december 2009
Voorzorgsprincipe blijft iets absurds hebben
Het ‘voorzorgsprincipe’ schraagt al twee decennia politieke beslissingen omdat wetenschappelijke zekerheid ontbreekt. Je afvragen wat er mis mee is, lijkt op ketterij en het intrappen van open deuren. Onaanvaardbare rampen die op ons af lijken te komen, vergen toch buitengewone tegenmaatregelen? Maar klimaatmodellen zijn geen voorspellingen, en dus nemen we beter ook dat voorzorgsprincipe met een flinke korrel zout. Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Freeman Dyson in De Tijd hier.
Paul A. Samuelson, Economist, Dies at 94
Les technologies vertes juste derrière l’automobile ?
vrijdag 11 december 2009
Le désordre financier menace la reprise économique
donderdag 10 december 2009
Greek Debt Poses a Danger to Common Currency
Falling Dollar Pushes Manufacturing Out of Europe

Production jobs have been moving out of Europe for years. But as the Daimler decision last week to move C-Class production to the US shows, the process is accelerating as the dollar becomes weaker. Companies from Airbus to ThyssenKrupp are opening factories in America to improve their bottom lines. Read the complete article in Der Spiegel International here.
A Chinese wind-power IPO
Keynes in reverse
As more states resemble California, they threaten economic recovery. Read the complete article in The Economist here.
China’s Economic Power Unsettles the Neighbors
China has long claimed to be just another developing nation, even as its economic power far outstripped that of any other emerging country. Now, it is finding it harder to cast itself as a friendly alternative to an imperious American superpower. For many in Asia, it is the new colossus. Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.
For Global Finance, Global Regulation
A border tax to protect the global environment?
Kick-starting the green innovation machine
dinsdag 8 december 2009
The Skyscraper Index

Could it be that the building of record breaking Skyscrapers could be used as a tool to predict the onset of economic downturn? Read the complete article in ultranomics here.
maandag 7 december 2009
Long-term unemployment at historic height in the US




The complete WSJ environment report
Questions for Home Buyers
Here are 10 questions that prospective buyers or renters ought to ask to find out how green a house or apartment is
Courting Change
Environmental groups in China now have the ability to sue polluters. But will they?Keeping It
In Alaska, a low-tech solution helps the ground stay cold enough, for now.
What Global Warming?
Look at the arguments the skeptics make—and how believers respond.#
What's New
The latest on alternative-energy deals from Dow Jones Clean Technology Insight
In Search of Net Zero
The National Renewal Energy Laboratory wants to be the greenest commercial building in the country. Here's how.
Who Wants What in Copenhagen
Each country coming to Copenhagen has its own agenda. Here's why an agreement is so difficult.
Reach For the Sky
Scientists in Delft believe that clouds hold the key to unlocking predictions about climate change.
An Affordable Truth
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that by 2050 the emissions limits in recent proposed legislation would reduce real G.D.P. by between 1 percent and 3.5 percent from what it would otherwise have been. If we split the difference, that says that emissions limits would slow the economy’s annual growth over the next 40 years by around one-twentieth of a percentage point — from 2.37 percent to 2.32 percent".
Read Krugman's piece in the NYTimes here.
The oil price and the macroeconomy: What’s going on?
Why a cap-and-trade system can be bad for your health
Qui pollue le plus?
vrijdag 4 december 2009
Arbeidsmarkt maakt herstel kwetsbaar
Reform or Else
Bernanke Says Fed ‘Should Have Done More’
Quel Etat pour quelles performances économiques?
Marx, Bayer en de bonden
donderdag 3 december 2009
Europe Bypassed on Climate Summit
The Call From the Swiss Minaret
A Vote for Intolerance
Les éoliennes les plus puissantes de la planète sont belges
woensdag 2 december 2009
Grote afwezige op Citibankproces
dinsdag 1 december 2009
Climate change A heated debate
De Zwitsers zijn bang
Europese soloslim in Kopenhagen dodelijk voor Vlaamse jobs
Eurosceptici durven nog te vloeken in de klimaatkerk. De EU wil het voortouw nemen in Kopenhagen, maar wat zijn de gevolgen voor onze economie? Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Dedecjer eb Eppink in De Tijd hier.
maandag 30 november 2009
UK: Skills for Growth
The Dubai crisis
The Jobs Imperative
Open Source as a Model for Business Is Elusive
"Il faut un marché du carbone mondial"
vrijdag 27 november 2009
We are all Belgians now
Taxing the Speculators
donderdag 26 november 2009
Global Warming With the Lid Off
"She figures 2009" _ Statistics and Indicators on Gender Equality in Science
Where does energy R&D come from?
woensdag 25 november 2009
246,000 foreign students are studying science, engineering and mathematics at American universities.
dinsdag 24 november 2009
Merci d'avance, Yves!
Payback time The European Union lashes out at hedge funds and private equity
Europe's public finances Weighed down
The Coming Deficit Disaster
The president says he understands the urgency of our fiscal crisis, but his policies are the equivalent of steering the economy toward an iceberg. President Barack Obama took office promising to lead from the center and solve big problems. He has exerted enormous political energy attempting to reform the nation's health-care system. But the biggest economic problem facing the nation is not health care. It's the deficit. Recently, the White House signaled that it will get serious about reducing the deficit next year—after it locks into place massive new health-care entitlements. This is a recipe for disaster, as it will create a new appetite for increased spending and yet another powerful interest group to oppose deficit-reduction measures. Read the complete column in the WSJ here.
Technology Is Stranger Than Fiction
maandag 23 november 2009
Pension schemes and pension projections in the EU-27 Member States 2008-2060
Assurance hospitalisation trop chère ?
Lisez l'article complet dans LLB ici.
How much greenhouse gas emission abatement is enough?
Stabilities and instabilities in the macroeconomy
Large changes in fiscal policy: taxes versus spending
Commerce : selon l'OMC, la crise n'a pas déclenché de vague protectionniste
vrijdag 20 november 2009
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
Time for the greening of global trade
November 2009: Monthly Labour Market Monitor
Moreover, the outlook for the coming months remains unfavourable. However, labour markets are showing tentative signs of stabilising in some Member States, while a relative improvement in confidence among businesses and consumers, including their employment and unemployment expectations, although still pessimistic, adds support to the view that the pace of economic and labour market deterioration is easing. In this month's edition there is a special focus on the health sector as well as an update on the situation in the automotive industry, previously reported on in the February issue.
donderdag 19 november 2009
Evaluating the Labor-Market Effects of Compulsory Military Service
China's state-owned enterprises: Nationalisation rides again
Do state firms have too much power? A case in Hebei stirs debate. Read the complete piece in The Economist here.
Inventing a Better Patent System
Euro Solidarity With Eastern Europe
It's a shame that assistance efforts for the new member states are not EU-led but spearheaded by the IMF. Read Verhofstadt's opinion article in the WSJ here.
No Time to Read This? Read This
Evaluating the potential of solar technologies
The lingering effects of financial crises
The effectiveness of fiscal and monetary stimulus in depressions
Sudden financial arrest
dinsdag 17 november 2009
De Islam is een deel van Vlaanderen
maandag 16 november 2009
Indicatoren, doelstellingen en visies van duurzame ontwikkeling
The modest superpower
How the financial crisis could leave Europe even stronger than America. Read the complete article in Newsweek here.
«On ne tire aucune leçon de la crise de 2007»
vrijdag 13 november 2009
Improving Resolution Options for Systemically Relevant Financial Institutions
Preventing the Next Financial Crisis
Economic theory and the financial crisis - An interview with Eric Mashkin
Is Posner Right? An Empirical Test of the Posner Argument for Transferring Health Spending from Old Women to Old Men
equalize life expectancy. His argument is based on the assumption that women’s utility is
higher if they are married. Thus, extending the lifespan of men would benefit women. Using
life satisfaction data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we conduct an
empirical test of this assumption. We apply a two-step estimation strategy: first, we use a
propensity score matching approach to generate a control group of non-widowed women.
The average level of life satisfaction in the control group serves as a reference to measure
the degree of adaptation to widowhood. In the second step, the life satisfaction trajectories of
both groups are estimated using penalized spline regressions. The results suggest
bereavement has no enduring effect on life satisfaction, and that falsifies Posner’s
assumption. Read the complete publication here.
Disillusioned with Europe, Turkey Looks East
Geert Wilders' One-Man Crusade against Islam
Single market bargaining
Why a deal on tax harmonisation might not boost support for the single market. Read the Charlemagne column in The Economist here.
Health-care reform: Passing the baton
One step forward for health reform. But even if they reach the finishing line, the Democrats face trouble in next year’s mid-terms. Read the complete article in The Economist here.
Pour une école de la confiance
donderdag 12 november 2009
In Istanbul - Islam en mensenrechten
dinsdag 10 november 2009
Paranoia Strikes Deep
Fighting Obesity May Take a Village
Een meesterlijk stukje beeldvorming
vrijdag 6 november 2009
Kosten zorgleerlingen blijven stijgen, terwijl kennis over effecten beleid ontbreekt
How to share the burden of combating climate change
donderdag 5 november 2009
Calomiris on historical crisis lessons
woensdag 4 november 2009
dinsdag 3 november 2009
Are health problem systemic? Politics of access and choice under Beveridge and Bismark systems
France: L'emploi des seniors désormais imposé par la loi
Crisis Compels Economists To Reach for New Paradigm
The pain of the financial crisis has economists striving to understand precisely why it happened and how to prevent a repeat. For that task, John Geanakoplos of Yale University takes inspiration from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice."
The play's focus is collateral, with the money lender Shylock demanding a particularly onerous form of recompense if his loan wasn't repaid: a pound of flesh. Mr. Geanakoplos, too, finds danger lurking in the assets that back loans. For him, the risk is that investors who can borrow too freely against those assets drive their prices far too high, setting up a bust that reverberates through the economy. Read the complete article in the WSJ here.
Le grand retour de la bulle spéculative
Government guarantees on bank funding: Should we extend them into 2010 despite the improved bank profitability and the schemes’ distortionary effects?
maandag 2 november 2009
Recent economische ontwikkelingen in Vlaanderen (Oktober 09)
Will the current economic crisis lead to more retirements?
Design and effectiveness of fiscal-stimulus programmes
vrijdag 30 oktober 2009
Falling fertility
Astonishing falls in the fertility rate are bringing with them big benefits. Read the complete article in The Economist here.
A joyless recovery
donderdag 29 oktober 2009
Household saving rate at 16.5% in the euro area and 14.4% in the EU 27
9 of 10 Europeans want urgent action on poverty
Interview with Charles Krauthammer 'Obama Is Average'
The price of cleanliness
China is torn between getting greener and getting rich
er. 
Read the complete article in The Economist here.
Financial crises are different! Refining the Reinhart-Rogoff estimates
Can renewable energy save the world?
How to avoid a repeat of the Great Crash
The Global Gender Gap Report 2009
woensdag 28 oktober 2009
Inburgering voor dummies
INTEGRATIE VRAAGT MEER DAN EEN CURSUS NEDERLANDS — Zo lang via huwelijksmigratie de deuren van België wijd openstaan voor nieuwkomers en zo lang landen als Marokko profijt halen uit de slechte inburgering van hun uitwijkelingen, zal België integratieproblemen blijven hebben, voorspelt JEAN-MARIE DEDECKER. Dat los je op met nieuwe wetten, niet met een cursus Nederlands via internet. Lees het opiniestuk hier.
Freaked Out Over SuperFreakonomics (and climate change)
Suppose for a minute—which is about 59 seconds too long, but that's for another column—that global warming poses an imminent threat to the survival of our species. Suppose, too, that the best solution involves a helium balloon, several miles of garden hose and a harmless stream of sulfur dioxide being pumped into the upper atmosphere, all at a cost of a single F-22 fighter jet.
Good news, right? Maybe, but not if you're Al Gore or one of his little helpers.
The hose-in-the-sky approach to global warming is the brainchild of Intellectual Ventures, a Bellevue, Wash.-based firm founded by former Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold. The basic idea is to engineer effects similar to those of the 1991 mega-eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, which spewed so much sulfuric ash into the stratosphere that it cooled the earth by about one degree Fahrenheit for a couple of years. Read the complete article in the WSJ here.
Efficient Market Theory and the Crisis
Neither the rating agencies' mistakes nor the overleveraging by financial firms was the fault of an academic hypothesis. Read the complete article in the WSJ here.
dinsdag 27 oktober 2009
maandag 26 oktober 2009
U.S. Considers Reining In ‘Too Big to Fail’ Institutions
Do not ignore the need for financial reform
Adjustments to the accountability and transparency of the European Central Bank
Een andere soort van staatshervorming
vrijdag 23 oktober 2009
donderdag 22 oktober 2009
Lessons of the lat
The European Union should ease the way for small, troubled currencies to join the euro. Read the complete article in The Economist here.
Betting on bytes
Optimism that tech firms will help kick-start economic recovery is overdone. Read the complete article in The Economist here.
Exporters (good ones) don’t pass-through
« Les Etats-Unis n'échapperont pas à un second plan de relance », Kenneth Rogoff
woensdag 21 oktober 2009
Les 14 points clés du Rapport « Sortie de crise : vers l’émergence de nouveaux modèles de croissance ? »
Why the euro is not the next global currency
Rising Debt a Threat to Japanese Economy
The question looms large in the United States, as a surging budget deficit pushes government debt to nearly 98 percent of the gross domestic product. But it looms even larger in Japan.
Just paying the interest on its debt consumed a fifth of Japan’s budget for 2008, compared with debt payments that compose about a tenth of the United States budget.
Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.
dinsdag 20 oktober 2009
Energies : vers une période de transition cahotique, par Michael T. Klare
Five Technologies That Could Change Everything

As the world tries to wean itself from dependence on fossil fuels, technological breakthroughs in these five areas could be a huge help. Read the complete WSJ energy report here.
Immigrant Scientists Create Jobs and Win Nobels
Gratis begrotingstip? Bel Olaf
Nu de Belgische regering de strijd tegen fiscale en andere fraude weer eens uit de kast haalt, om gaten in de begroting dicht te rijden, geef ik de ministers van Justitie en Financiën graag een gratis tip: bel eens met Olaf. Hij is weliswaar pas tien, maar gespecialiseerd in fraudebestrijding. Met succes. Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Bart Staes in De Tijd hier.
The Coming Energy Revolution
Démographie, l'exception française
maandag 19 oktober 2009
EU labour market continues to weaken
Les chiffres de la pauvreté
- 15% des Belges, soit environ 1 sur 7, vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté ;
- En matière de risque de pauvreté, on peut constater de grandes disparités sociales. Pour certaines d’entre elles, la Belgique présente un profil différent de ses principaux pays voisins. C’est notamment le cas pour les risques de pauvreté liés à l’âge ;
- Les chiffres provisoires de 2008 montrent une tendance à la hausse de la pauvreté subjective.
Consultez le communiqué de presse du SPF Economie du 17/10/2009 ici.
Subprime mortgages: Myths and reality
The new global balance – Part II: Higher rates rather than weaker dollar in 2010
vrijdag 16 oktober 2009
L'euro fort complique la sortie de crise de la zone euro
The rise of obesity in Europe: An economic perspective
Should the government intervene to reduce obesity on the basis of equity or efficiency? This column gives reasons to be sceptical common arguments for such interventions. Unless health insurance provision creates significant moral hazard problems that encourage obesity, there is little reason to attack obesity on the basis of health insurance externalities. Read the complete VOX article here.