woensdag 29 september 2010

The Vaccine war

Vaccines have changed the world, largely eradicating a series of terrible diseases, from smallpox to polio to diphtheria, and likely adding decades to most of our life spans. But despite the gains -- and numerous scientific studies indicating vaccine safety - a growing movement of parents remains fearful of vaccines. And in some American communities, significant numbers of parents have been rejecting vaccines altogether, raising new concerns about the return of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough.

In The Vaccine War, FRONTLINE lays bare the science of vaccine safety and examines the increasingly bitter debate between the public health establishment and a formidable populist coalition of parents, celebrities, politicians and activists who are armed with the latest social media tools -- including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter -- and are determined to resist pressure from the medical and public health establishments to vaccinate, despite established scientific consensus about vaccine safety.

Watch the complete documentary here.

Hôpitaux: le sous-financement devient structurel

"L'étude pointe un sous-financement total de 172 millions d'euros pour des services hospitaliers qui sont normalement subsidiés à 100% par le fédéral", explique Yves Smeets, directeur général de Santhea.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.

Quinze pourcents des Belges vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté

Philippe Courard a annoncé qu'il avait obtenu un montant de 4,2 millions d'euros afin de lutter spécifiquement contre la pauvreté des enfants.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.