woensdag 22 juli 2009

Oeso's jaarrapport over Belgiƫ: Een commentaar

Lees het commentaarstuk van Koen Algoed hier.

De Gebreken van aziel en migratie

"Dit is de tweede 'eenmalige' regularisatie sinds 1999, dus waarom zou er geen derde komen? Bovendien zal dit verhaal zich herhalen, tenzij de regering ook bereid is tot andere ondersteunende maatregelen, om een duurzame lokale verankering in de illegaliteit te voorkomen. "

Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Dirk Vanheule hier.

Paid sick days and unemployment

Health Insurance No One Needs

EVERYONE who wants universal health coverage (me included) finds irresistible the rallying cry that all Americans should have the same health benefits that members of Congress have. But Congress’s health insurance — that is, the heavily subsidized preferred provider plan that most members have — is not an ideal model, because it is quite rich. As with other fee-for-service plans, it does little to encourage people to be smart health care shoppers. Read the complete article here.

Building a society for all ages

More of us are living longer than ever before. This is not a new phenomenon – life expectancy has been growing steadily for over a century, but the UK has just passed a demographic tipping point. In 2007 for the first time in the UK there were more people over State Pension age than children; an ageing society is no longer coming tomorrow – it is here with us today...
To read the report from the HM Government (UK), click here.

Should the rich finance healthcare reform?

Choosing to finance health care reform by taxing the rich is bad economic policy, bad health policy, bad budget policy and poor leadership...
Read the column here.

The case for government reform now

Read the complete article in the McKinsey Quarterly here.