maandag 5 juli 2010

Studiecommissie voor de vergrijzing: jaarlijks verslag 2010

Lees één van de belangrijkste overheidsrapporten van het jaar hier.

Deficit reduction and the role of taxes

Read the complete ippr paper here.

Leaving Germany for Turkey

High-quality immigrants are leaving Western Europe for growth countries. The poorly educated stay put in unemployment or worse. Read the complete article in De Spiegel International here.

The Case Against Europe’s 2020 Agenda

Read Fredrik Erixon's (ECIPE) paper here.

Faut-il interdire ou encourager les agriculteurs à spéculer ?

Lisez l'article de l'IREF ici.

Ten Myths of Addressing Global Warming and the Green Economy

Read the complete ITIF paper here.

Déficit : “une dépense publique raisonnable, des impôts pour la financer”

Lisez la très intéressante analyse du Monde ici.

US claims of higher drug costs under fire

Claims by the US drugs industry that the US disproportionately funds research and development of new drugs by paying higher prices than Europe for its medicines have been undermined by a new study to be published soon. Panos Kanavos and Sotiri Vandoros at the London School of Economics argue in their report that a rigorous like-for-like comparison shows that transatlantic differences in patented medicine prices are modest and declining over time. Read the complete article in the Financial Times here.

Brussels to press for higher retirement ages

Read the complete article in the Financial Times here.

A New Problem for Insurance Markets

An article in the Wall Street Journal notes that scientists have identified genetic markers for the proclivity to live a long life. To Greg Mankiw, the famous Harvard economist, this raises a host of interesting economic questions. Read his blogpost here.

The Feasibility to Regionalise Corporate Income Taxation

Read Professor Haelterman's Vives (KULeuven) discussion paper here.

Punishing the jobless

Read Paul Krugman's column in The NYTimes here.