donderdag 30 december 2010

A Policy Agenda for Diversity and Minority Integration

The social and labor market integration of ethnic minorities in the EU is still a major political, societal and economic challenge. Based on evidence presented in Kahanec and Zimmermann (2011), this policy paper proposes an agenda for diversity and minority integration in the European labor markets. Policies to foster the labor market and social integration of ethnic majorities can work. But they need to involve all stakeholders, including all levels of government, public and private sectors, as well as civil society organizations, combine general and targeted action in a balanced, complementary and reinforcing way, respond to the needs of the affected groups and provide open access to people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and be persistent and allow for time to become effective. Identification and transfer of good practices is essential.
Read this IZA report here.

Towards an Objective-Driven System of Smart Labor Migration Management

This policy note offers motivation as well as game plan how to achieve a coherent and mutually beneficial labor migration system. It argues that migrant workers may importantly contribute to economic growth and development both in sending and receiving countries if they find the enabling conditions. To achieve a potential win-win-win situation requires (i) a sustainable migration management system that takes into account the interests of the various stakeholders involved; (ii) a clear identification and articulation of objectives and interests in migration by the key stakeholders based on a common conceptual framework on migration and development: (iii) regional and bilateral coordination mechanisms to balance these not necessarily converging objectives and reach comprise under labor agreements and policies; and (iv) evidence-based effective polices and public and private sector interventions to achieve the objectives that are known and applied at the level of sending, rec! eiving, returning and circulation.
Read this IZA report here.

5 % extra pensioen voor ambtenaar

De pensioenen van de Vlaamse ambtenaren gaan in minder dan een jaar tijd, tussen september 2010 en augustus 2011, met ruim 5 procent omhoog.
Lees dit artikel in DS hier.

Les investissements étrangers en Flandre diminuent

Le député flamand Marino Keulen (Open Vld) s’inquiète de la diminution des investissements étrangers réalisés en Flandre au profit de la Wallonie, sur la base des chiffres pour l’année 2009 fournis par le ministre-président Kris Peeters.
Lisez l'article dans Le Soir ici.

Une épaule pour les réfugiés reconnus

Caritas s’occupe notamment de loger ceux qui ont obtenu l’asile.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.