donderdag 22 oktober 2009

Lessons of the lat

The European Union should ease the way for small, troubled currencies to join the euro. Read the complete article in The Economist here.

Betting on bytes

Optimism that tech firms will help kick-start economic recovery is overdone. Read the complete article in The Economist here.

Exporters (good ones) don’t pass-through

The prices of tradable goods are remarkably insensitive to exchange rate movements. This column provides a firm-level explanation. In response to a depreciation, high-performance firms raise their mark-ups rather than their export volumes, and their choices dominate the aggregate export variables.
Read this article from N. Berman et al. on here.

« Les Etats-Unis n'échapperont pas à un second plan de relance », Kenneth Rogoff

Professeur à Havard et ex-chef économiste du FMI de 2001 à 2003, Kenneth Rogoff, qui est également l'auteur du livre « Huit ­Siècles de folie financière » (Princeton University Press), analyse les conséquences du déclin du dollar et les limites du plan de relance américain.
Lisez l'interview dans ici.