dinsdag 13 juli 2010

How to Avoid a Double-Dip Global Recession

Read Roubini's article on Project Syndicate here.

How Inequality Fueled the Crisis

"Technological progress in the US requires the labor force to have ever greater skills. A high school diploma was sufficient for office workers 40 years ago, whereas an undergraduate degree is barely sufficient today. But the education system has been unable to provide enough of the labor force with the necessary education. The reasons range from indifferent nutrition, socialization, and early-childhood learning to dysfunctional primary and secondary schools that leave too many Americans unprepared for college. The everyday consequence for the middle class is a stagnant paycheck and growing job insecurity. Politicians feel their constituents’ pain, but it is hard to improve the quality of education, for improvement requires real and effective policy change in an area where too many vested interests favor the status quo."
Read Rajan's article on Project Syndicate here.

Waalse groei haalt Vlaamse bijna in

De Vlaamse economie zal de komende jaren trager groeien dan in het verleden, de Waalse sneller. Het verschil wordt klein. Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.

Crisis weegt op migratie

Door de crisis zijn migranten minder welkom in de rijke landen. En zij die er al zijn, worden zwaarder getroffen door de recessie. De Oeso trekt aan de alarmbel. Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.

Inscriptions : trois recours rejetés par le Conseil d’Etat

Lisez l'article complet dans Le Soir ici.

Vertraging economische groei zet zich door in mei (OESO)

Lees het volledige artikel in Trends hier.