woensdag 11 augustus 2010

Dalende uitkeringen doen werk zoeken

Een deel van de uitkeringen voor werklozen ‘activeren' helpt vacatures beter en sneller invullen.
Lees dit artikel in DS hier.

Projecting health care expenditure at European level

To correctly assess the demography-related risks facing public finances in the EU over the next couple of decades and establish adequate policy responses to the demographic, social and economic developments, it is essential to devise a reliable method to estimate future health care expenditure. To tackle this issue, the European Commission and the Economic Policy Committee projected future public health care expenditure in all EU Member States over the period 2007-2060. A unique internationally comparable database has been established and a model built allowing to project health care spending in a common, coherent framework of macroeconomic variables. The model incorporates the most recent developments in demography and epidemiology and draws on new insights from health economics, allowing the comparison of the challenges facing both individual countries' health care systems and European society in its entirety.

Read this EC economic paper

Promoting exports full of risk for world economy

Trade imbalances are re-emerging in the world economy. State economic intervention is enjoying a retro-1970s revival. The financial services industry is in global disgrace.
Read this article in the FT here.

The Wage-Productivity Gap Revisited: Is the Labour Share Neutral to Employment?

Read this IZA report here.

On est loin de l'école gratuite

Une étude de la Ligue des familles démontre que l'école est loin d'être gratuite. La scolarité occupe 11,4 % du budget des parents. Le pic, en septembre, est même de 27,5 %.
Lisez l'article dans Le Soir ici.

Les titres-services coûtent très cher à l’Etat

Selon une nouvelle projection, les titres-services coûteront 911 millions d’euros à l’Etat en 2014. Une option : supprimer la déductibilité fiscale…
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.