woensdag 24 juni 2009

BBC2's Politics Pen - Must see!

It's a shame we don't have these kind of programs on our public channels. Watch this week's episode here.

Turf wars in banking supervision

It's a shame but for the moment our bank regulators all over the world are not thinking how to improve the system but defending their own interests. Nothing surprising there for public choice economists!

For instance in the UK, the Bank of England wants the power to limit the size of banks but the Treasury Secretary wants the Bank not to interfere with "his" institutions.

La crise a fragilisé la situation financière des communes


Enquête annuelle de Dexia: FR - NL

L'Echo, 23/06/2009

Quaden appelle à réduire la taille des banques

Le Gouverneur de la Banque Nationale juge excessif le poids du système financier dans l'économie. «Si une banque est too big to fail, c'est qu'elle est too big», a souligné Guy Quaden.

L'Echo, 24/06/2009.