woensdag 3 november 2010

Wie is bang voor regionale personenbelasting?

‘Regionale lonen' zouden administratieve rompslomp veroorzaken en spanningen op de werkvloer. Dat zal wel loslopen, zegt PETER LEYMAN, want dat bewijst de praktijk vandaag al. Lees zijn volledige opiniestuk in De Standaard hier.

Flexible working time arrangements and gender equality - A comparative review of 30 European countries

Increased flexibility of working time arrangements and promotion of gender equality are two important elements in the EU’s employment policy. In many instances, increased flexibility has a positive effect on gender equality, although this is not always the case. This review from the EU Expert Group on Gender and Employment sets out the relationship between working time flexibility and gender equality and compares the state of play in 30 European countries (EU-27 and EEA/EFTA). It gives an overview of working time flexibility throughout Europe as well as in-depth analysis of flexibility in terms of length and organisation of working time. Information is also provided on the regulatory framework and recent policy developments in the field. In addition, the review comprises a detailed statistical annex. This publication is available in English only, with French and German summaries.

Read this EC report here.

Le Belge se fait du souci pour sa pension

Six Belges sur dix craignent que leur pension ne soit pas suffisante pour s’en sortir. Les Belges ne sont pas prêts non plus à travailler plus longtemps pour avoir une meilleure pension, ressort-il d’une enquête de Knack.
Lisez l'article dans Le Soir ici.