dinsdag 8 september 2009

Werk en onderwijs!

A Power Station in Your Basement

Read the complete article in Der Spiegel international here.

Keynes at Home, Smith Abroad

Domestic stimulus spills over to protectionism. Read the complete article in the WSJ here.

Towards the integrated measurement and management of market and credit risk: The dangers of compounding versus diversification

The financial crisis has exposed serious weaknesses in risk measurement and management practices. This column argues for both market practitioners and their supervisors to make concerted efforts to achieve a more integrated measurement and management of different forms of risk.
Read the full article here.

De enige winnaar van de crisis

.... het milieu...

Lees dit artikel van G. Noels hier.

Bonus : "Aux Etats-Unis, toute ingérence sera perçue comme totalitaire"

Les membres du G20 vont se réunir et présenter leurs résolutions sur les bonus du secteur bancaire. Européens et Américains divergent sur la réglementation de ces derniers. Un consensus est-il envisageable ?
Lisez l'article complet ici.