vrijdag 4 september 2009

Firefighters Become Medics to the Poor

"Among the hidden costs of the health care crisis is the burden that fire departments across the country are facing as firefighters, much like emergency room doctors, are increasingly serving as primary care providers." Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.

The improbable 2°C global warming target

Mitigating global warning is a pressing and daunting task for the world’s major economies. This column says that the 2°C target set by G8 leaders is both politically and technologically unrealistic. It argues they must adopt more realistic targets and long-term commitments to adaptation plans.
Read the full article here.

Systemic risk and deposit insurance premiums

Financial institutions enjoy a large number of government guarantees. This column says that we ought to be charging banks for such subsidies and doing so in a way that promotes financial stability. It uses the example of demand deposit insurance in the US to explore the poor design of funding for such guarantees.
Read the full article here.

The crisis and citizens’ trust in central banks

Most observers agree that central banks can claim partial credit for the stabilisation that have been achieved and the prospect of a recovery. This column warns that the general public seems to hold a completely different opinion; trust in central banks has declined and the reaction of central banks to the crisis is generally judged as unsatisfactory. Central bankers all over the world should redouble their efforts to regain the trust of the people towards their institution.
Read the full article here.

Moeten de banken de crisis betalen?

Moeten de banken de crisis betalen? Dat lijkt IVAN VAN DE CLOOT niet onrechtvaardig. Als we een manier vinden om banken correct te laten betalen voor het risico dat ze afwentelen op de maatschappij, zou ons financiƫle systeem daar zelfs wel bij varen.
Lees het volledige artikel hier.