donderdag 4 november 2010

Doing Business 2011

According to the World Bank, Belgium is a relatively less attractive for "Doing Business" this year than it was last year. In its report, Belgium loses three places on the ranking and finishes 25th.

This year's list of the 10 most-improved economies also includes three in Sub-Saharan Africa—Rwanda (a consistent reformer of business regulation), Cape Verde, and Zambia—as well as Peru, Vietnam, Grenada, and Brunei Darussalam.

Globally, doing business remains easiest in the high-income economies of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development and most difficult in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. But developing economies are increasingly active. In the past year, 66 percent reformed business regulation, up from 34 percent six years earlier.

Another reason for us to reform as well if we want to attract investments and spur our domestic entrepreneurial spirit. You can download the complete report here.