woensdag 7 juli 2010

Merkel's Government Agrees to Mini-Health Care Reform

Facing a projected shortfall of 11 billion euros for Germany's health care system in 2011, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government agreed on Tuesday to increase contributions. But the plan is a far cry from radical reform, leading to calls for the country's health minister to resign. Read the complete article in Der Spiegel International here.

In a World of Throwaways, Making a Dent in Medical Waste

Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.

Alleen een loonstop kan de Belgische concurrentiepositie redden

Een loonstop is de enige echte mogelijkheid om de Belgische loonkostenhandicap weg te werken. De laatste nieuwsbrief van het Planbureau laat er weinig twijfel over bestaan: de voorbije vijftien jaar is de Belgische loonkostenhandicap opgelopen tot 3,94 procent.
Lees het volledige opiniestuk in Trends hier.

5 Ways Congress Can Bolster Growth

Read David Leonhardt's column in the NYTimes here.

Bank stress testing : “Wasserdruck !!”

One of the scarce hilarious moments in the motion picture “Das Boot” concerns the “usual” exercise of emergency diving after an enemy alert. When the U-boot goes beneath 250 m, the infrastructure crumbles and shakes with bolts flying around. The chief engineer smiles to the propaganda representative aboard – having cold sweat and laughing green – merely saying “Wasserdruck”, winking an eye to those familiar with the exercise. Todays’ exercise on European banks and stress testing shows some similarities with the above scene : it involves shaky fundamentals and could possibly involve misleading propaganda. Read the complete post on the Econoshock blog here.

Belgische starters geholpen met microkredieten

Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.