maandag 8 maart 2010

Wikinomics and the era of openness

A timely contribution to the Europe 2020 strategy, this e-brief explores the changing nature of innovation, towards more open, collaborative and inter-disciplinary systems. Entitled Wikinomics and the Era of Openness: European Innovation at a Crossroads, the study demonstrates how Europe can benefit from participating in a global movement to share knowledge, raise creativity and encourage social innovation. The author is Anthony D. Williams, co-author of the international bestseller Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, who also serves as senior fellow at the Lisbon Council.
Read this publication from The Lisbon Council here.

Une nouvelle étude des Mutualités Libres sur les soins dentaires révèle des chiffres inquiétants

Les personnes présentant un profil socio-économique faible sont 14 fois plus susceptibles d'appartenir au groupe à haut risque de caries. C’est l'un des résultats les plus frappants de la nouvelle étude des Mutualités Libres "Vers une stratégie de prévention ciblée des soins buccaux". Les Mutualités Libres lancent dès lors une proposition innovante : les trajets de soins dentaires préventifs personnalisés.
Lisez le rapport des Mutualités Libres ici.

Absorbing the Blows That Buffet Europe

Paris accelerated payments and tax reimbursements to small and medium-size companies; it deferred tax payments and accepted deductions immediately, auditing them later; it gave subsidies equal to almost a month’s salary per worker so firms could reduce labor costs and inventory without losing employees. And Paris provided some credit guarantees, so that shell-shocked banks were more willing to make loans to small companies like this one.

HB-Henriot is a prime example of how France is not only weathering the economic storm, but has emerged as one of the most stable economies in Europe, the first to pull out of recession and with unexpectedly large growth in the last quarter of 2009, while the German recovery stalled. Read the complete article in the NYTimes here.

Dan maar weer wafels bakken zeker?

Onze bewindslui hebben járen zo geconcentreerd gekeken naar de vergrijzing, dat ze de aankomende vergroening uit het oog verloren. Niet dat de aandacht voor de vergrijzing veel heeft opgelost. Het Zilverfonds is nog altijd leeg. Lees het volledige opiniestuk van Guy Tegenbosch in De Standaard hier.