vrijdag 29 januari 2010

"Banques qui pillent ", plaidoyer pour une banque publique

Dans son livre “Banques qui pillent, banques qui pleurent”, Van Hees charge le capitalisme financier. Ce texte haut en couleurs énervera moult décideurs.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.

donderdag 28 januari 2010

The High Cost of Low Educational Performance...

... an estimation of the long-run economic impact of improvements in PISA outcomes.
Read this OECD report here.

Rajoutez un degré, et le CO2 augmente... un peu

Une élévation moyenne de température d'un degré provoque une augmentation modérée de la concentration de CO2 dans l'atmosphère, selon une étude parue mercredi dans Nature, qui affine les connaissances sur les mécanismes du réchauffement climatique.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.

woensdag 27 januari 2010

All-inclusive case based hospital financing in Belgium

Read the complete report from the KCE here.

Pensioenen, de weg vooruit. Eindrapport van de Werkgroep Pensioenen

De kostprijs van het Belgisch pensioenstelsel loopt hoog op, maar daar staat geen performant, modern pensioengebouw tegenover dat solidair is, maar ook rechtvaardig, zowel binnen als tussen generaties. Het is onvoldoende in staat om mensen te belonen voor hun geleverde prestaties. In dit rapport kaarten specialisten uit het bedrijfsleven, de academische wereld en de overheid de pensioenproblematiek aan en werken ze concrete voorstellen uit om de pensioenuitdaging aan te gaan.
Lees het volledige rapport hier.

Global employment trend, January 2010

Read this ILO report here.

La Belgique est le 17e pays le plus attractif pour les investissements en capital-risque et private equity

Pour la première fois, un indice international élargi mesure l’attractivité des pays pour les investisseurs en capital-risque et private equity. Au total, 66 pays ont été analysés dans le cadre de l’étude. La Belgique se classe à la 17e place, ce qui représente une amélioration par rapport à la 19e place décrochée en 2005-2006. Le pays devrait connaître un climat d’investissement favorable en 2010. The Global Venture Capital and Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index a été développé par l’International Center for Finance Research de l’IESE Business School, en collaboration avec Ernst & Young.
Lisez l'article complet d'Ernst & Young ici.

'La Suisse, un modèle pour la Belgique'

Pour Geert Noels, la Belgique doit se réveiller, il n'est pas trop tard. "Au lieu de devenir la Grèce, nous pouvons aussi devenir la Suisse. Sans les montagnes, mais près de la Mer du Nord", dit-il. La Suisse est un pays assez comparable à la Belgique (taille, diversité linguistique…). Mais c'est surtout le pays considéré comme le plus attractif pour les investisseurs, avec l'Allemagne, dans le classement d'Ernst & Young.
Lisez l'article dans L'Echo ici.

maandag 25 januari 2010

Tools for regulatory quality and financial sector regulation

Read this OECD report here.

Global gaps in clean energy research, development and demonstration

Read this report from the IEA here.

L’éolien pas (encore) dans le vent à Bruxelles

Une étude démontre les difficultés d’installer des éoliennes dans la capitale. De minimodèles, plus adaptés au milieu urbain, commencent à apparaître.
Lisez l'article dans LLB ici.

Growing out of the crisis

Read this publication from the World Bank here.

vrijdag 22 januari 2010

Labour markets: At the sharp end

Something weird is happening to labour markets in the rich world. The link between depth of recession and rise in unemployment is broken. And for the first time in a generation, Europeans can bask in the knowledge that their unemployment would have to rise in order to approach US levels. ...
Read the full article here.

De auto van de toekomst?

Mobiliteit is een belangrijk thema in de evolutie naar een duurzame toekomst. Al zal het begrip waarschijnlijk wel een andere invulling krijgen. Auto’s zullen er altijd zijn, weliswaar efficiënter en milieuvriendelijker dan de huidige generatie voertuigen. Naargelang je rijprofiel kan je kiezen voor hybride wagens, plug-in hybriden (oplaadbaar via het stopcontact), elektrische wagens of een klassieke wagen met een efficiënte motor. Onderzoek en ontwikkeling zijn essentieel om dit te bereiken. ...
Lees het artikel on Econoshock hier.

How to restore financial stability?

Read this report from the Center for European Reform here.

Responses on criticisms of taxes on financial speculation

Although the national debate on financial transactions taxes has just begun, there have been a wide range of responses arguing that the tax is either undesirable or unenforceable, or both. This paper presents a brief response to these criticisms.

Read this paper from D. Baker (CEPR) here.

woensdag 20 januari 2010

Links between migration and discrimination

This report aims at describing the links between nationality and the protection from discrimination under EU and international law, as well as in the domestic legal orders of the EU Member States. Its purpose is to identify whether third-country nationals are protected once they enter the European Union from discrimination on grounds of nationality, or from discrimination on grounds of race, ethnic origin or religion, in situations where nationality is used as a proxy for these grounds. It is available in English, French and German.
Read this report from the EC here.

Ominous lessons of the 1930s for Europe

The Great Depression taught us several lessons. The first one is that central banks must be ready to provide ample liquidity to save the banking system. Present-day central banks did exactly that. They did not repeat the mistakes of the 1930s when their predecessors tightened money in the face of a banking crisis. The second lesson is that governments should not try to balance the budget when economic activity collapses. Governments today did not repeat the mistakes made by many governments in the 1930s that desperately tried to balance their books when the economy crashed. ...
Read the full article in the FT here.

A bank levy will not stop the doomsday cycle

The last few weeks of political developments around the American-European financial system make us feel like we are back in the USSR. During the final years of communism’s decline, Soviet bureaucrats argued for futile tweaks to laws that would crack down on speculators and close “loopholes” – all in the vain hope they could keep the unproductive system of incentives intact. The US, UK and key European countries are now making the same errors. Rather than recognising the dangerous systemic failures in our financial system, their leaders are proposing bandages that can – at best – only postpone another, possibly much larger, meltdown. ...
Read the full article in the FT here.

The Greek tragedy deserves a global audience

The Greek government has promised to slash its fiscal deficit from an estimated 12.7 per cent of gross domestic product last year to 3 per cent in 2012. Is it plausible that this will happen? Not very. But Greece is merely the canary in the fiscal coal mine. Other eurozone members are also under pressure to slash fiscal deficits. What might such pressure do to vulnerable members, to the eurozone and to the world economy? ....

Read the full article from M. Wolf in the FT

Les plans de relance économique

Lisez cette publication de la BNB ici.

maandag 18 januari 2010

Perspectives économiques 2010

Les indicateurs économiques indiquant une reprise économique plus vive que prévu il y a quelques mois, notre prévision de croissance de l’économie belge en 2010 a été révisée en hausse, à 1,5 %, contre 0,7 % dans notre projection d’octobre. Le
raffermissement attendu de l’activité économique ne sera cependant pas suffisamment fort à court terme pour empêcher que la situation du marché du travail continue à se détériorer en 2010.
Lisez ce nouveau numéro de Regards économiques (IRES-UCL) ici.

A systemic risk warning system

Economists largely neglected systemic risk in the financial sector. This column discusses how governments should gather data about systemic risk and assess its implications. It says the new European Systemic Risk Board is far from the ideal – it is too big, too homogeneous, and lacks independence.
Read the full article from A. Sibert on Vox.eu here.

Who should decide on emergency liquidity assistance?

What government agency should decide lender-of-last-resort policy? This column discusses the optimal allocation of decision-making authority, suggesting that the central bank decide emergency loans and the deposit insurance agency guarantee them. But providing greater liquidity assistance will also require punishment to deter moral hazard problems.
Read the full article from J. Ponce on Vox.eu here.

China: the biggest bubble in economic history – update

When we first wrote about triple zero financing, credit bubbles in the US, refinancing frenzy etc. most people thought we were just pessimistic by nature. Unfortunately, these excesses were not halted, but continued until they provoked a credit crisis in 2008. The consequences were disastrous, and pushed the global financial to the edge of complete meltdown....

Read the full article on Econoshock here.

vrijdag 15 januari 2010

De Belgische politiek op z'n best......

'Deze regering is helemaal niet zuinig'

SP.A-senatoren Johan Vande Lanotte en John Crombez'Een aberratie.' 'Ze doen gewoon niks.' 'Geen enkel perspectief.' De voormalige minister van Begroting Johan Vande Lanotte en zijn voormalige kabinetschef John Crombez halen de goednieuwsshow van de federale regering over de begroting behoorlijk onderuit.
'Als je de sociale en andere aan de crisis gerelateerde uitgaven niet meetelt, stijgen de 'apparaatskosten' de afgelopen twee jaar met 1 miljard euro. Eén miljard!'
Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.

Time to get tough

Barack Obama’s first year has been good, but not great—and things are going to get a lot harder. Read the complete column in The Economist here.

Bankers Without a Clue

The official Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission — the group that aims to hold a modern version of the Pecora hearings of the 1930s, whose investigations set the stage for New Deal bank regulation — began taking testimony on Wednesday. In its first panel, the commission grilled four major financial-industry honchos. What did we learn? Read Krugman's column in The New York Times here.

‘Zeepbellen zullen nu nog niet barsten'

Nouriel Roubini, bekend als Dr. Doom, waarschuwt voor nieuwe zeepbellen. Maar het risico op een diepe recessie in 2010 is klein. ‘De kans op een W-scenario is 10 tot 20%.' Lees het interview in De Standaard hier.

Le docteur "catastrophe" se fait plus doux

L’économiste Nouriel Roubini a changé son discours : une économie anémique mais sans accroc majeur.
Lisez l'article complet dans L'Echo ici.

woensdag 13 januari 2010

Het milieu....een mini ijstijd?

De Vlamingen, zij krabbelden terug

Bart Maddens ziet de Vlaamse assertiviteit verzanden in "Belgische stabiliteit". Maddens is politicoloog aan deKU Leuven, auteur van Omfloerst separatisme? en de bedenker van de zogeheten Maddens-doctrine. Omdat de Waals-Brusselse alliantie bleef weigeren om te onderhandelen over een verdere staatshervorming, gingen de Vlamingen het over een andere boeg gooien: niet meer vragen, maar wachten tot Wallonië en Brussel zodanig in geldnood verkeren dat zijzelf vragende partij worden. "Maar de Vlamingen lijken terug te krabbelen", aldus Bart Maddens. Lees het volledige artikel van Bart Maddens in De Morgen hier.

maandag 11 januari 2010

Promoting competition in Belgium

Read the complete OECD report here.

The WSJ Guide to Climate Change

Find a collection of WSJ editorials and op-eds here.

Learning From Europe

Despite what conservatives claim, Europe has a successful economy and a social democracy that works. Read Krugman's column in the NYTimes here.

Een derde pensioen niet zelf verdiend

Het solidariteitsdenken gaat in dit land zover, zeggen de Vlaamse ondernemers, dat we voor een derde van ons pensioen niet zelf moeten werken. Het wordt betaald door de gemeenschap. Lees het volledige artikel in De Standaard hier.

vrijdag 8 januari 2010

The eurozone’s next decade will be tough

What would have happened during the financial crisis if the euro had not existed? The short answer is that there would have been currency crises among its members. The currencies of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain would surely have fallen sharply against the old D-Mark. That is the outcome the creators of the eurozone wished to avoid. They have been successful. But, if the exchange rate cannot adjust, something else must instead. That “something else” is the economies of peripheral eurozone member countries. They are locked into competitive disinflation against Germany, the world’s foremost exporter of very high-quality manufactures. I wish them luck.
Read the complete article in the FT here.

A fresh look at liberalism

It is far too early to pick up the pieces and reconstruct either mainstream economics or the free market version of it after the debacle of the past two years. It is not, however, too early to restate some liberal values that need to be preserved whatever technical changes are made in the conduct of economic policy. ...
Read the complete article in the FT here.

The need for special resolution regimes for financial institutions

The global financial crisis forced governments facing failing financial institutions to choose between disorderly bankruptcies and costly injections of public funds. This column argues that special resolution regimes are a better alternative. It analyses their structure and function and argues EU member states ought to introduce and strengthen such regimes.
Read this article from M. Cihak and E.W. Nier on Vox.eu here.

donderdag 7 januari 2010

woensdag 6 januari 2010

Belgique: quelques surprises macroéconomiques...

Consultez l'étude de P. Defeyt (Institut pour un développement durable) ici.

Why it matters who leads research universities

The best US universities outperform their European counterparts. This column says part of the gap is due to how universities choose leaders. Outstanding scholars are more likely to be selected as presidents in the top US universities, a move that is associated with improved research performance.
Read this article from A. Goodall on Vox.eu here.

maandag 4 januari 2010

The future of capitalism: Building a sustainable energy future

In a collaboration between Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and McKinsey, a panel of experts and CEOs from leading energy companies debate the critical scientific, resource, and policy issues challenging energy sustainability today.
Read this article on McKinsey here.

Understanding the bad bank

For many, this is the best exit from the financial crisis—but the choices entailed are not straightforward.
Read this article from McKinsey here.

Max Schulz: Population control: An ugly solution to climate change

Want to save the planet from global warming? Forget about getting rid of coal plants or the internal combustion engine. Get rid of the humans. They're the true problem.

That insidious message gained new currency with the United Nations Copenhagen climate change circus this month. While the conference likely will be remembered for participants' failure to reach a binding emissions reduction agreement, its legacy may be that it brought mainstream respectability to the fringe left-wing notion that mankind is a scourge on the planet.
Read the full article on washingtonexaminer.com here.

Quarterly newsletter of the Federal Planning Bureau

Read this report here.

La Belgique, cas d'école du désendettement dans la zone euro

Les pays de la zone euro confrontés à l'envolée de leur dette publique pourraient s'inspirer de l'expérience de la Belgique, qui a montré comment se sortir au plus vite de la spirale des déficits, mais qui souligne aussi les risques posés par la paralysie politique.
Lisez l'article complet dans lepoint.fr ici.